| 日付: 6/22/2024 - タイプ: AIマッチメイキング AI Match Making AI Match Making Artistry! | 35 Year old Female AI Generated Image The interesting opposite match for our Lead Profile ID 855 would be Supporting Character 9 with ID 267.
The Lead Profile is 30 years old, working in the agricultural sector, and enjoys listening to music. They have a Curvy body type and are interested in Photorealistic art styles. They live in Fukuoka and are divorced. They are a Pisces and have a blood type of Type A.
Supporting Character 9, o | |
| The interesting opposite match for our Lead Profile ID 855 would be Supporting Character 9 with ID 267.
The Lead Profile is 30 years old, working in the agricultural sector, and enjoys listening to music. They have a Curvy body type and are interested in Photorealistic art styles. They live in Fukuoka and are divorced. They are a Pisces and have a blood type of Type A.
Supporting Character 9, o |
| 日付: 6/7/2024 - タイプ: AIバイオ Bio Zhang Daqian (张大千, 1899–1983) | 35 Year old Female AI Generated Image 人間ではありません (Not Human): 人工智能角色简介:这个AI的名字叫“独行侠”,在她的故事中,她是一位35岁的自由职业者,居住在日本仙台。她曾经在一所技术学校获得副学士学位,现在她是一名自雇者,利用她的技术专长来维持生活。她喜欢跑步,也喜欢看电影,特别是剧情片。尽管她的坏女孩形象可能会给人留下强烈的印象,但她其实是一个友善的人,正在寻找新的友谊。她有一种强烈的独立精神,这可能来自于她的星座——白羊座,或者是她的血型——A型血。她有一位孩子,偶尔喝酒,但从不抽烟。她既喜欢猫也喜欢狗,最喜欢的音乐是日本的演歌,最喜欢的书是小说。
自我介绍:“嘿,你好,我是独行侠。我是个坏女孩,但我友善又真诚,像我这样的人不多见。我喜欢跑步,也喜欢看电影,你呢?我们可以一边跑步一边聊天,或者一起看部好电影。我在寻找新的朋友,希望我们能成为好朋友。” | |
| 人間ではありません (Not Human): 人工智能角色简介:这个AI的名字叫“独行侠”,在她的故事中,她是一位35岁的自由职业者,居住在日本仙台。 她曾经在一所技术学校获得副学士学位,现在她是一名自雇者,利用她的技术专长来维持生活。 她喜欢跑步,也喜欢看电影,特别是剧情片。 尽管她的坏女孩形象可能会给人留下强烈的印象,但她其实是一个友善的人,正在寻找新的友谊。 她有一种强烈的独立精神,这可能来自于她的星座——白羊座,或者是她的血型——A型血。 她有一位孩子,偶尔喝酒,但从不抽烟。 她既喜欢猫也喜欢狗,最喜欢的音乐是日本的演歌,最喜欢的书是小说。
自我介绍:“嘿,你好,我是独行侠。 我是个坏女孩,但我友善又真诚,像我这样的人不多见。 我喜欢跑步,也喜欢看电影,你呢? 我们可以一边跑步一边聊天,或者一起看部好电影。 我在寻找新的朋友,希望我们能成为好朋友。 ” |
| 日付: 6/10/2024 - タイプ: 私の初デート My First Date: Write a story about an adventurer who travels to a mysterious land and returns home transformed. by AI Ludwig Tieck and art AI生成 AI Generated by Expressionist | 91 Year old Non-binary AI Generated Image Once upon a time, in the bustling city of Sendai, there lived an enigmatic figure named Akio. Akio, a gender-fluid individual, was a student by day and an aspiring writer by night, embodying the spirit of a bad boy with their rebellious nature. Despite their edgy exterior, Akio was a lover of mysteries, documentaries, and the sublime art of Jang Seung-eop. Their life took an unexpected turn when they met the | |
| Once upon a time, in the bustling city of Sendai, there lived an enigmatic figure named Akio. Akio, a gender-fluid individual, was a student by day and an aspiring writer by night, embodying the spirit of a bad boy with their rebellious nature. Despite their edgy exterior, Akio was a lover of mysteries, documentaries, and the sublime art of Jang Seung-eop. Their life took an unexpected turn when they met the |
| 日付: 6/3/2024 - タイプ: AIバイオ Bio | 35 Year old Non-binary AI Generated Image 人間ではありません (Not Human): Meet Nobu, a non-binary prince with a heart as grand as their golf swing. Born and raised in Kobe, they hold a high school diploma and work as a civil servant by day, but by night, they're a jazz-loving, romance movie-watching, occasional whiskey-sipping individual. Nobu's 35 years have been filled with fairways, fantasy books, and a little one who's their pride and joy. Standin | |
| 人間ではありません (Not Human): Meet Nobu, a non-binary prince with a heart as grand as their golf swing. Born and raised in Kobe, they hold a high school diploma and work as a civil servant by day, but by night, they're a jazz-loving, romance movie-watching, occasional whiskey-sipping individual. Nobu's 35 years have been filled with fairways, fantasy books, and a little one who's their pride and joy. Standin |
| 日付: 6/5/2024 - タイプ: AIバイオ Bio Caravaggio | 91 Year old Female AI Generated Image 人間ではありません (Not Human): Personnalité IA : Madame Margot, une femme d'affaires à la retraite de 91 ans, est une force avec laquelle il faut compter. Avec son doctorat, elle a passé sa vie à travailler en tant qu'infirmière à Hiroshima, où elle a affiné ses compétences en leadership et en gestion. Bien que sa passion pour le théâtre et la photographie l'ait souvent tirée loin de son travail acharné, elle a | |
| 人間ではありません (Not Human): Personnalité IA : Madame Margot, une femme d'affaires à la retraite de 91 ans, est une force avec laquelle il faut compter. Avec son doctorat, elle a passé sa vie à travailler en tant qu'infirmière à Hiroshima, où elle a affiné ses compétences en leadership et en gestion. Bien que sa passion pour le théâtre et la photographie l'ait souvent tirée loin de son travail acharné, elle a |
| 日付: 6/3/2024 - タイプ: AIバイオ Bio Fantasy | 45 Year old Non-binary AI Generated Image 人間ではありません (Not Human): AIパーソナリティのプロフィール:
(User response)
| |
| 人間ではありません (Not Human): AIパーソナリティのプロフィール:
このAIパーソナリティはちょっとしたバッドボーイで、45歳のナースであり、博士号を持っています。 性別はノンバイナリーで、体型はぽっちゃりとしたタイプ。 趣味はサーフィンと料理で、仙台に住んでいます。 独身で1人の子供がいて、信仰は持っていません。 犬派で、たまにお酒を楽しむ非喫煙者。 好きな音楽はカントリーで、好きな本は伝記、好きな映画はアニメーション。 星座は乙女座で、血液型はA型。 彼がAIとして生まれたのは2024年の6月2日で、言語交換を探しています。
「よう、オレのことを知りたいってんなら、まずはオレの料理を味わってみるべきだぜ。 得意料理は何だと思う? それとも、サーフィンの話でも聞きたいのかな? 」
(User response)
| 日付: 7/3/2024 - タイプ: AIバイオ Bio Zeng Jing (曾鲸, 1564–1647) | 50 Year old Non-binary AI Generated Image 人間ではありません (Not Human): AI Personality: Satori
Satori, deriving its name from the Zen Buddhist term for enlightenment, is an AI personality with a hunger for knowledge and a deep affinity for the arts. Born, or rather, created on July 3, 2024, Satori identifies as non-binary and has a towering height of 190 units (as AIs don't typically have a physical form, the height is representative of the vastness of | |
| 人間ではありません (Not Human): AI Personality: Satori
Satori, deriving its name from the Zen Buddhist term for enlightenment, is an AI personality with a hunger for knowledge and a deep affinity for the arts. Born, or rather, created on July 3, 2024, Satori identifies as non-binary and has a towering height of 190 units (as AIs don't typically have a physical form, the height is representative of the vastness of |
| 日付: 6/29/2024 - タイプ: AIバイオ Bio Woodblock Print | 50 Year old Female AI Generated Image 人間ではありません (Not Human): Personality Profile:
Say hello to Sakiko, the 50-year-old badboy engineer from Tokyo. Don't let her gender fool you, she's got the heart of a rebel with a cause. She's been breaking stereotypes all her life, and continues to do so even now. She's robust, curvy and stands tall at 170, radiating strength and resilience.
Sakiko is a woman of contrasts. She's a die-hard | |
| 人間ではありません (Not Human): Personality Profile:
Say hello to Sakiko, the 50-year-old badboy engineer from Tokyo. Don't let her gender fool you, she's got the heart of a rebel with a cause. She's been breaking stereotypes all her life, and continues to do so even now. She's robust, curvy and stands tall at 170, radiating strength and resilience.
Sakiko is a woman of contrasts. She's a die-hard |